Can we all please plant at least one tree in our gardens this year? This will go a small way towards compensating for the trees cut down in the area. Thanks
Planting Trees

I planted two in November.
pats back

I’ve planted 7. With a cherry, pear and apple to go in soon. Do I get extra points? I’ve also cut the ivy off the tree next door while they were out. Allegedly.

You definitely get exta points! I wouldn’t cut down ivy as it’s habitat for bees. I’ve planted two pear trees, one olive, and one rowen and a Judas tree possibly to go in later this year…

For anyone thinking about this, but worried about tree sizes, you can get trees with different rootstocks, which can limit growth which means you can get some small trees (and fruit) even in small gardens - I have a plum tree in a large pot that produces a lot of plums each year, and small pear and apple trees. you can of course get large trees which are even bigger, but if you have a smaller garden like me these are not practical.
Also bushes are great for birds to shelter \ nest in.
For security and wildlife you can plant mixed hedges that are great for wildlife and protection from people jumping over fences.
Lastly the Friends of Blythe Hill have a planting event for 17 trees on the 1st March and are looking for helpers to plant the saplings and possibly remove some that have died - fb link here

Great advice thank you.

Yet it also kills the trees - tricky toss up, as birds also nest in it. I think the ivy had gotten out of hand - anticipating watching it fall off.

Hi Tom I don’t think it does kill trees actually. I grew up surrounded by very old live trees covered in ivy. Indeed Ivey often helps hold them up.

So did I, and the problem is that ivy severely damages tree bark as it climbs and eventually envelopes the tree preventing light from reaching leaves. It leaves trees significantly more susceptible to disease. It also looks awful, compared to the grand exposed trunk of a mature tree.

Tom I grew up in Wales where there are beautiful trees decades old covered in ivy. It’s fine really, the ivy thing is a myth.

@BigAl and @TomAngel I’ve copied a link to the RHS view below on Ivy - generally ok, good for wildlife but can be problematic in some situations eg if tree already ill seems to be their view: