Any ideas of who else I can speak to try and get the issue of my disrespectful and messy neighbours resolved? The tyre shop at 238 Stanstead Road regularly chuck rubbish at the front and back of the premises without disposing of properly. I have spoken to the tyre shop staff about this to no avail, spoke to local councillor and in the past (not super recently) have emailed Lewisham environmental health. Sick of it. Any ideas?!
Tyre shop 238 Stanstead Road

I don’t have the answer. I would presume Lewisham Environmental Services is your starting point. If you not get a response from them then try your local Perry Vale councillors. I have always found them responsive, but if you don’t they have a monthly surgery in which you can put the issue to them in person.
However. A couple of years ago I had an issue with an address on the south circular bit of Sunderland Road. Someone was dumping old clothes, food waste, mattresses etc in front of a building. It looked very much like a flytip so I reported it through FixMyStreet. I got a fairly quick answer that to begin, the Council could not do anything as the flytip was not on public pathways. Whoever did this only used the front part of the property belonging to that building. In the end the Council followed up with the landlord as with food waste there was a very real health issue.
But the relevant point here is it looks as if the tyres and stuff at the back are on the property. Unless you can provide a direct concern for health and safety the Council may not be able to anything about it.

CURVEBALL - try the Business Rates department.
No.238 is showing in the ratings list as a 28.4m2 of retail area so there might be parts of this address and next door not being charged for - ie forecourt ‘workshop’ at 238 and forecourt storage, not to mention what might be going on behind the shutters at 240, which doesn’t appear on the ratings list at all - and Lewisham’s business rates/revenues officers LOVE
getting their teeth into people sweving the system (fair enough!)

Lewisham will be the Borough of Culture in 2021. I suggest you contact whoever is organising that to see if they can bring some culture to 238 Stanstead Road!

Is the top image showing as a negative on your screen?
It’s okay on my phone but negative on my laptop.

Negative. Though I thought it was just being arty.

A caveman like me couldn’t be arty if I tried! };^)~
The photo was from where you’ll see a load more of his work

He works out of Havelock Road! I like some of his stuff.

That’s why I thought it would be so apt - being an on-our-doorstep, Lewisham-based, albeit (probably) world renowned, artist.
Yeh, and some of his stuff blows my mind when you look at the scale of some of those installations with waves of magazines engulfing cars, lorries and aeroplanes!
(But I think the comment by @Sherwood was pretty tongue-in-cheeque)

These lovely people at AA tyre shop are my neighbours too and are regularly in the habit of filling up our communal bins and parking up to 4 vehicles at a time in our residents only car park.
I suggest emailing lewisham council and CC the mayor of lewisham in as well. Through past experiences, Lewisham council seem to offer a quick solution once they see that the mayor has been included in the conversation!

I would have thought the council will/would enforce the removal of the Tyre’s being properly disposed off being a fire hazard on there own? Wouldn’t like to be above in a flat if that lot went up??