Archived on 6/5/2022

Growing baby corals in a broom cupboard
25 Feb '20

Marine biologist Jamie Craggs studies coral reproduction in a tight, dark space as he prepares to reseed reefs damaged by climate change.

Jamie Craggs is a marine biologist and the aquarium curator at the Horniman Museum and Gardens in London, UK. Credit: Phil Barthropp for Nature

25 Feb '20

This is a great piece of work by the Horniman and well worth a visit if ever you get chance for a behind the scenes visit.

28 Feb '20

I want to know about ‘tadpole husbandry’! It’s mentioned on one of the display panels in the aquarium. They have frogs so it makes sense that they breed them too, but it’s amusing to imagine someone ernestly rearing tadpoles.

3 Mar '20

Good work

3 Mar '20

“Tadpole husbandry” makes me think of what we used to do in primary school when the whole class would collect jam jars of frog spawn and take back to the classroom to watch the development of the tadpoles. I remember the competitive excitement to see whose tadpokes were the first to grow legs but don’t recall any turning into frogs. I think mine ate one another. All pretty gross and rather sad. I expect it’s a lot more sophisticated and humane nowadays.

I do have some photos of our class on our rather mucky (and murderous) school nature ramble.

29 Apr '20

It’s great to see @HornimanMuseum get the media coverage it deserves:

16 Jun '20