El’Choppo - new butchers coming to Brockley Rise, Honor Oak

Hmmmm. A bit near the Proud Sow for my liking. Hopefully there is enough business for them both as we have such a good experience with PS.

Proud Sow
The Butchery
Heckstall & Smith
Kim Libretto
William Rose
W H Wellbeloved
Dugard & Daughters
Ok some are a little out of “local” but we must be the best served population for butchers just about anywhere…

Agreed @Pea - we’ve used PS a lot and always good, it was my first thought when I passed the new one. In effect this means we will have a butcher for Forest Hill, Crofton Park and Honor Oak - as well as all the others on @Foresthillnick 's list, some of which I’d not heard of!

Proud Sow is about 20 mins away for a lot of Honor Oak (including myself) so I don’t think it will be too close a competitor. Hopefully this new one will be good!

Glad W H Wellbeloved gets a mention. My absolute first choice for meat. And his pies are terrific - you sometimes get them warm and the gravy is delicious.

Agreed, the pies are delicious 4/£8. Get some when going nearby or sometimes make a special detour. Mmmm

This place is open now! 9-6 from what I can see on the signs. No queues. Worth taking a look if your are local

I wish we had a decent fishmonger and fruit and veg shop!

I popped in here today; guys were lovely and they have tons of food. Also said they are doing free local deliveries to vulnerable people.

Just told my husband & he is going to pop over there in the week. Not sure what or how much he will come back with…

We have Billings still, as far as I know.
And just a few doors from Billings we have Fresh & Fruity.
As far as I know both are still open.

Do these guys stock anything else apart from meat…

Its actually a bit far for me as I live near the Horniman and tend to walk to Lordship lane.
I always forget Sydenham high st but may have a tootle there next week on my daily walk

Hi Guys, I just went there for the first time to the butchers at Brockley Rise, basically they were great with there service also very friendly team. as they cut the meats as i wanted which was very delicious and fresh, not those packagings that big supermarkets do which is not that good. The place was clean and hygienic as most butchers are not. They have a lot of selections of meat like lamb, beef , dry aged meat and also chicken . Which was a great experience i will be there soon!!!

I second this.They prepared a rack of lamb for me today, was great and I suspect a fair bit cheaper for the size than other butcher’s.

Yeah it was just great their prices are reasonable also. Very nice place in the area to have , there lamb and expecially they have lot of selections of steaks very tasty