The Trussell Trust project is likely to see increased numbers of referrals over coming weeks.
Lewisham Food Bank Appeal

Just bumping this as the Mayor’s fundraising appeal is still active. The target is £150,000 and they’ve received £95,000 so far.
Lewisham Food Bank is part of the Trussell Trust network. If you would like to make a financial donation to the Trust as a whole, you can donate via their main website. Lewisham Food Bank itself accepts financial donations, hence the Mayor’s fundraising appeal.
If you would like to donate food, the latest information is here:
If you need help from Lewisham Food Bank, the latest instructions are here:

I usually donate food to the collection point of the funeral directors Constable & Toop on Honor Oak Road, but haven’t recently as I’m not going out, so have donated to the Lewisham Foodbank website a couple of times this month, & will continue to do so while the lockdown is on.

I donated money and given food and I still feel that is not enough. Though I do help out Family who can’t get out. It’s very frustrating times. So many good people out there so thankful keep shining. I like many hope bigger and better arises soon for the future all round. Stay safe everyone xxx

Lewisham Foodbank appeal is up to £107k now.

That’s amazing. I have the greatest respect for the Trussell Trust and all the work they are doing in the midst of this crisis. Another fun way to support them including the Lewisham Foodbank is this campaign where you can buy photographs from some pretty famous photographers. Not the cheapest, but cheap for many of them.

Donations to the Lewisham Foodbank Appeal have slowed but the total has reached £131k at the moment.
The links in my previous post are still live:
If you would like to donate food, the latest information is here:
If you need help from Lewisham Food Bank, the latest instructions are here:

And don’t forget you can also volunteer time to help pack or deliver food, even on a bicycle
If you’re dropping food off, top tip is to also throw in a few cans of soft drink for the volunteers’ fridge - makes them smile.

Shamelessly bumping this again. Donations to the Lewisham Foodbank Appeal have really slowed down - it’s now standing at £135,910 and the gaps between donations are getting longer.
But as clausy said in his last post, you can also donate food directly or even volunteer your time.

Happy to report we’ve had a few more cyclists sign up so now we have a Tuesday and Thursday crew. It’s been an amazing experience meeting the Foodbank team and making good friends with other volunteers. Please help if you can, there are a lot of people who genuinely need donations

Rather than money, I would like to donate some food stuff or other items.
I am currently preparing a shopping list and would like to add some items needed this week by the Food Bank.
Can anyone tell me what type of items they are really in need of at this time, for the parcels?
Also, when and where I could drop the items off once bought, please. I do not drive but can shopping-trolley stuff along to Malham Road ok. I am near Eliot Bank School/FH Library and I will make a trip to the Co-Op within the next 3-5 days anyway
PS I am just checking if the recent link I have is still correct and current - ie if all the drop off points on the list are still viable and that the list of wants is still current?
PPS - can you still donate an order online via a supermarket, but how to synchronise a delivery?

I was over there yesterday helping reorganise their new store room. I would suggest popping over to Malham Road and ask - there’s usually someone on the door. The have a lot of staples in stock (I know because we literally shifted a few tonnes of stuff) but there may be some more eclectic things they need.
If you can’t pop in then drop them an email per the website at
If you need help dropping anything over I’d be happy to stop by with a car and help transport it.