Anyone else affected and any news? Just tried the tap and nothing.
Water supply outage in SE23

Similarly we have no water on Taymount Rise. The Thames Water website says:
We’re aware this area is currently experiencing low pressure or no water. Our specialist engineers are working hard to get the supply back to normal.
Alas there is no ETA. I’ll give them a call later to get more info

And Twitter says:
We’re aware customers are seeing low pressure/no water this morning due to a burst on King Garth Mews. Our team is onsite working to restore supplies back to normal as soon as we can.
Hopefully they’ll get it back up and running today… fingers crossed.

Yep no water at the top of Taymount Rise. Thames Water said if the repair took time they would deliver a mobile tank. Let’s hold them to that.

We have very very low water pressure on David’s Road, barely a trickle coming out the taps

And behind the Sylvan Post too

This is the link. Just what we need - another rush on water bottles.

Yup same on Derby Hill - a trickle downstairs, nothing upstairs.

No water on Pearcefield Avenue

Has anyone seen any Thame Water vans / engineers on the area yet? Thanks

Big leak on the 205 by Sainsbury’s digger in the road and a bunch of vans and men around it.

Good, at least they’re on it asap. Nothing in Waldenshaw Road either

Brenchley Gardens checking in, no water here.
Just make sure you all remember to keep washing your hands… oh wait.
Does it count if you wash your hands in beer? I’ve plenty of that in.

I’m hoping it will be limited to number per household but I don’t know how they are going to track that!

This has happened twice in the last month! So annoying

There is alcohol in beer after all. So yes

It’s nice to see Ellie adding her support too:

Hi all,
For those who don’t know me, I’m one of the local councillors in FH.
I’ve spoken to Thames Water. They’re working on fixing the issue at the same time as re-routing water from elsewhere, so that people have access to water in the meantime.
They are also currently looking for the best location from which to distribute bottled water, if needs be (given COVID19).
They don’t know more about timings at the moment but should have more information after their next operational call, at 11am.
I’ve asked that all customers get contacted (regardless of whether they’re water dependent), but if you need to contact them directly, the number is 08003169800.
I will update with more info when I have it.
Sorry that everyone is experiencing this at this time!

None down Bird in Hand Passage either… wide area it seems.

Can we make a plea for some bottled water or a water tank to be bought up to Taymount Rise - we have several block of flats at the top of the hill and a good number of older and vulnerable residents. It doesn’t have to be right to the top - we can help carry some up.

Waldenshaw is back on now, at least partial pressure, but flowing. They’re working outside Sainsbury’s - note that it’s closed right now (11.30am) due to the water main break. If you need water, they have a few bottles at the 24hr convenience store by the 185 bus stop in FH.

Yes back on on Davids Road too

Thanks @SophieDavis for taking this up on behalf of residents - I imagine you are inundated with queries, as well as having your own life and family to look after.

My wife just spoke to the engineers outside Sainsbury’s, water should be back on in about 2 hrs

Taymount Rise is also back working! Yay!!!

Back on in Tyson but a water tanker connected to a pipe at entrance to Churchwood Gardens. Don’t know what’s happening - driver was on his phone.

If you live near Sainsbury’s and your water was back on, it will be going off while they repair it so they are giving out water in the car park.

This is the latest I have received from Thames Water -
A burst main was reported to us overnight on London Road (SE23). Due to the complexity of the pipework in the area, where a number of pipes are in close proximity to each other, it has taken some time to identify which pipe the leak is on. This has resulted in a number of residents in the area, in particular those on high ground and in flat blocks, waking up this morning with no water or low pressure as our engineers work to isolate the offending pipework.
We have now isolated the offending pipework and our engineers are prioritising the re-routing water around our network to return supplies to people’s homes as quickly and safely as possible. If we cannot restore supplies, we will make sure bottled water is available. In the meantime in light of the current Covid-19 outbreak, there is government advice on alternatives to hand washing such as using hand sanitiser.
Our engineers are on site ready to begin the repair. During this time, a number of properties close to the burst site may be without water. Due to the configuration of the network in the area, these residents will have been in supply up until the time we isolated the offending section of pipework late this morning.
We have contacted 3 schools within the area and are providing assistance as required. Our customer representative team are in the area delivering bottled water to customers on our priority services register that are water dependant. If any residents have concerns regarding their individual situation, they can call our customer line on 0800 316 9800, our lines are always open.

I’ve filled some buckets for loo flushing if it goes off again and will try to remember to keep the washing up water. Kettle and some pans filled. Nervous of having a shower in case it goes off mid shampoo!

Thames Water is handing outbottled water in 6x 2l packages at rear of Sainsbury car park forest hill

Off again in Tyson.

Here is the latest update from Thames Water. If anyone is still experiencing issues, please let me know.
“I am pleased to confirm that we were able to complete the repair to the pipework on London Road this afternoon. Our engineers have re-configured the network and residents should see water supplies returning to their properties.
Due to the geography of the area, we are aware that a small number of properties at the highest points in the area are experiencing issues with their supplies returning. It can take some time for pressure to build within our network before properties at the highest points see their supplies return. Air locks can also occur in our pipework and that of individual properties, which need to be cleared before supplies return.
An engineer is in the area monitoring the return of supply and will remain in the area until our network is working as expected. Any resident that continues to experience issues with low water or no pressure into this evening can call our 24 hr customer line 0800 316 9800.”

Back to normal. Pipe work a bit explosive this afternoon as it came on. Thanks everyone for keeping us all up to date.

Our water was off yesterday. Now the mains tap in the kitchen is on but all the taps upstairs are off. Presumably this meand there is now an airlock, can anyone advise how to get rid of it. Also, does it mean that the hot water tank is not filling and it could cause damage if we try to run hot water or use the boiler heating system. Would be very grateful for any advice

Hi - a flat in our block has this today. Thames Water came out to fix it for free.