Clap for our carers

Just bumping this up as a reminder

Some children down the road decided it would be nice to decorate their front wall…
But they saved a little bit of chalk to send a lovely message…

This has been set up to help feed the workers

Amazing, the whole of Como Road was out clapping. Never knew I had so many neighbours! Great effort and shows how many people are proud of the NHS.

All of ours on Lowther Hill too. Amazing!

Great effort from Devonshire road ! Wish I could upload the video !

How lovely

Wow! That was loud!


Great noise heard around Sunderland Road! Humbled by the work of ALL our Key workers!

Codrington Hill were out in force

Elsinore Road were out in force. Very proud!

@Estelle_Lauren I was too

Shackleton Close/Featherstone Avenue did us proud too! Thank you, love you, stay safe …indoors! x

Best and most thoughtful comment of the night for me.

Hey, why not do it every night. It’s not like we’re going anywhere and they’re risking their lives for us every day, 24 hrs a day !!

Good shout!

Absolutely we would love to show support in anyway we can!

Wahay, 8.00 tonight, I knew we could make it happen !! Thanks everyone.

Even more people getting involved on Como road this week. Amazing stuff!

I absolutely love that @Anotherjohn

A lot more people out on our road (Kilgour) as well last night

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