I am one of vulnerable people need to be isolated for 12 weeks but how do I get bread and some food bits as needed

Hi Margaret
Do you have the ability to order online and have food delivered - so online access and a card of some type to pay with?
If not do you have any near neighbours who could do this for you and drop it off outside your house?
There are a number of local groups formed to help people in such situations - could you maybe join one of those - there are people who will be willing to help. I’ll dig out the link and add it here in a bit EDIT - here is the link: https://se23.life/t/lewisham-covid-19-mutual-aid-group/14163/16
Lastly I am sure we can organise something on here - are you in need right now or wondering how to get it in a week or so?
It appears things may smooth down next week with regards to availability in shops which should also make online deliveries easier.
Good luck but don’t worry something can be arranged for you one way or the other - people are happy to help.

I am ok for now just if I need anything to know what I can do I live in communal flats top floor

Hi Maggie, The government daily comms piece today said they are rolling out a scheme to support people in your position. You should receive a letter by Tuesday and if not, you may be able to reach out to be added. They are setting up local hubs which is who you could reach out to - realistically will be set up towards end of this week. These local hubs will get prescriptions and food to those who don’t have other support networks but need to self isolate. Look out for more details on this in the news in the coming days. Before then, please reach out here and we should collectively find a local to you/ good solution, depending on the need.

Hi @maggie2016 - try finding the local mutual aid support group closest to you on this map.
If you have WhatsApp, you can join the group and ask for support. (If not, send me a direct message and I’ll try to put you in touch.)
Lewisham Local are connecting up various voluntary organisations: you can complete their form and ask for support there too.
Hope this helps.

Hi @maggie2016 - are you ok now with how to get help or still in need of assistance.
My wife is isolating at the moment to none of us are leaving the house for another 10 days or so, but after that if you have no-one I’m sure I could help if you needed it?
Did you try any of the other groups and \ or go through the support schemes @Tom_Walker mentions above?
Good luck!