Hi all, I’m a senior manager for a social care organisation looking after local people who are homeless and people with long term mental health issues. We’ve just had a massive PPE order refused. We are talking to local authorities but are missing gloves, masks and aprons. We would be very grateful to buy any excess stock from people who don’t need it. If you’re worried this is from a company who are seeking to profit from supplies, please google my name. If you can help us, please let me know.
Archived on 6/5/2022

27 Mar '20

2 Apr '20
That is awful, why have you been refused?

2 Apr '20
The @HornimanMuseum has recently donated PPE:

3 Apr '20
Hi, many social care providers have had orders in place pushed back to the NHS. We understand it, but care providers also need PPE in order to support people we work with.
Things are a bit better now as local authorities are assisting more, but we still have a shortfall.
Chris, we’ll approach the Horniman, but any other sourcing options very gratefully received.