So I did it Andy! My first tryout I just did a really plain wholemeal with about a quarter of a teaspoon of Doves Vit C powder. I can’t say I noticed much difference in the rise and as I usually chuck in all other sorts of bits and bobs to my bread it seemed a bit boring really. No bitterness though and not unpleasant. Just a bit bland.
Then yesterday I did a 50/50 mix of rye and strong Canadian white flour. I used half a teaspoon of Vit C. My usual amount of yeast and sugar in warm water. But with much more warm water on the mix up as it was really thirsty. I added a generous amount of black treacle, a dollop of olive oil and a generous handful each of raisins and sultanas. As a last minute spur of the moment impulse I added a good helping of mincemeat (the Christmas sort!) I let it prove overnight and baked it this morning.
I know it sounds a mess, but it was delish. There’s not a huge amount left.
I think the Vit C did give it a bit of help with lift while still leaving it nice and chewy.