I have received a call from a friend in Scotland who has an elderly relative in Forest Hill. She is in her nineties, on her own and running out of supplies. Is there any group or organisation locally that I can put them in touch with? I can’t do anything myself as I am in isolation. Very grateful for any suggestions.
Request for help for an elderly person

is she on this map?
If so can you join the appropriate whatsapp group and message them? If you don’t get anywhere come back here.

Happy to help out if you dont get anywhere with the whatsapp group but from what I am seen they are really friendly and helpful

Thanks for these replies. Understandably her family are reluctant to pass on her name and address but I will see what I can do. Are any shops delivering locally?

The big supermarkets are pretty rammed but you may get a sympathetic ear from Sainsbury’s Bell Green.
You could try getting in touch with https://www.facebook.com/HelpLewishamHospital - they are primarily aimed at NHS workers but also reaching out to the vunerable.
They are doing amazing things locally…

Myself and my son have been dropping off to elderly or vulnerable people in FH but I’m only going shopping at weird times when no-one is around to keep safe and am just dropping on doorsteps or window ledges. I will be going to the 24hr Turkish Shop in Catford which still has a good supply of fresh fruit, veg and meat late tomorrow night for things I may need myself and for food or toiletry supplies others are in desperate need of. PM me if you want me to pick anything up and drop off tomorrow night, Pauline

I think @SophieDavis has already posted this link, but this is from an email Ellie Reeves sent me …
to get help with your shopping you can register your need with Lewisham Council and request for help with the delivery of food and wider supplies here: https://www.lewishamlocal.com/a-coordinated-community-response-to-the-coronavirus/
For those residents living in Bromley they can request for support here: https://www.bromley.gov.uk/info/1113/volunteering/1410/volunteers_and_requests_for_assistance
Sorry that I’m banged up at home, so can’t offer to drop anything off myself.

I believe Fresh and Fruity in Sydenham are delivering for the over 70s, but that you have to order and pay by phone.
This was on yesterday’s Sydenham Society enewsletter …
Fresh and Fruity - we can home deliver your order
Fresh and Fruity can home deliver to over 70s. Just text your order on 07429631516. Covid 19 volunteers will then deliver the order to your door. You’ll need to pay by card when your order is confirmed.
The shop will also take your shopping order over the phone and have it bagged up and ready for you to collect. This applies to all age groups!
Otherwise, Fresh and Fruity and Billings are open for business.

Also got this in an email from LC as part of local assemby groups list, so hopefully the food banks will benefit from this:
"Dear friends,
If you’re involved with or know of a local charity helping people in the COVID 19 emergency, please share this information with them:
The London Community Response Fund Wave 1 is open for applications now. There will be a Wave 2 and possibly Wave 3 thereafter.
Wave 1 is for small grants of £5,000 for essentials such as food and essential supplies , and aimed at charities helping Londoners with coping with shielding and self-isolation. If your charity is supporting vulnerable residents through the COVID 19 emergency, you may be eligible. There is a rolling deadline of every Friday starting this Friday 3 April and applications will be assessed the following week after each Friday deadline. Costs incurred from March 23 onwards are eligible. Groups unsuccessful at the first deadline will be re-submitted for a 2nd chance.
Applying now for the small grant for essentials does not exclude you from applying in Wave 2 or beyond. Visit the website for more details, guidance and application process, and sign up for updates as new funding becomes available. If you have visited the site and read the guidance and still have questions, you can email info@londonfunders.org.uk for advice.
Website: https://londoncommunityresponsefund.org.uk/
With sincere thanks for everything you are doing for vulnerable residents at this very difficult time.
Kindest regards,"

If the person is living in Honor Oak Park or Crofton Park, I would advise using this website to ask for assistance:
It has been set up by local residents to help local people who need help at this time.

Thank you!


Yes I would have suggested that, but couldn’t think of the name!
Sorry I can’t get anything, I’m grounded for 12 weeks, apart from a solitary walk if I get desperate!

I have messaged you here and another thread, if you want help for this pensioner I am more than happy to help, Please let me know.

Pleased to say her family have sorted deliveries through the contacts I’ve been given including these. Thanks again everyone