Just seen bats in the garden - quite small - is this usual… don’t recall seeing them before or is this covid related?
Bats spotted

I’ve seen some infrequently over the years at home and at my allotment - not sure the effect of Covid-19 on the bat population.
Whatever it is they are great to see, congrats on spotting them!

I grew up outside of London in both a suburban and then rural area, both of which had bats. They are most likely Pipistrelles- super cute. They are probably living in the eaves of a house near you. Harmless.
It seems UK bats are fine, even now. This quote is useful ‘There is evidence that whatever the origins, the virus reached humans through an intermediary species such as pangolin, with the virus mutating along the way so as to be able to infect humans’.

My parents see them a lot at their house in France, just hadn’t specifically noticed them in Se23 before - wondered if it was because everyone had gone quiet and pollution dropping but anyways I’m very pleased.

I’ve seen one over the back gardens where I am most years since I moved here. I have to say I had forgotten the alleged bat connection to coronavirus.

Saw them last year, and glad to see them back this year too.
The warm weather has been good for flying insects, and the bats will be out eating them.

Used to see them a lot in our garden on Waldenshaw Road.

Some interesting info from the London Wildlife Trust here …
Whereabouts are you? It would be good to know where they’re roosting.
I used to live on a narrowboat and it was so reaxing to sit on the bows on a warm summer’s evening as they swooped around, hoovering up all the midges. I used to think what a racket they made, now I can’t hear them at all!

Bats are quite safe to have around. The problem with wildlife and viruses crossing to humans has come about in countries that have seriously intruded into the territories of wild animals and/or use them as food. This was, as we know, the case in China.
Our bats do not pose a threat and I’m delighted to hear that people are seeing them. They and their roosts are protected by law and it is a criminal offence to kill bats or destroy their roosts ( often in the thick ivy found growing up trees). If you see one bat, you can guarantee there are more in the location.
For an amazing bat display with the London Wildlife Trust, come to Wells Park Bat Walk, which we will hopefully have this summer. Fingers crossed~ look out for the notifications.

I wasn’t suggesting that the bats were causing or linked to spread of coronavirus, I was wondering whether their presence was because London has quietened and emptied allowing them more space. Delighted to see them, and pleased they have been here for a bit.

Just try not to eat them ok ?

Oh, right, might need to re think dinner then.

Fruit bat is quite tasty.

We saw them twice last year in our garden in Westwood Park. I was delighted too!

I love seeing them. Hope they come back near me.