I disagree with this blanket policy of closing the cemeteries. My Missus always takes her afternoon walk in the local cemetery. It’s shady and peaceful and the few people that you encounter there are well behaved. No large groups having barbecues, no-one sunbathing. This seems entirely wrong. Does anyone else have a view on this ? I would like to know who to complain to. Perhaps if there should be an online petition.
Cemetery Closures

It does seem a bit odd although maybe there is a concern that it might attract crowds?
Personally I think the more green space that is open the better - Dulwich and Alleyns school have opened up their playing fields to the public and there was hardly anyone in them…

Yes agree that it is total nonsense. To me it feels like classic jobsworthness. How many funerals do they think there will be per week from covid 19. And really how crowded do these places get. Someone at the council has done a risk assessment and the easiest option is to close it.
People need to be able to get out and get air and it is one of the more “wild” areas which is a sanctuary.

Horniman Gardens closing early isn’t helping things locally.

Interesting programme on R4 this week. Essentially whilst we are in lock down, in general terms there is a high level of support. The real pressure will be when lockdown is relieved and I don’t envy the decisions. With 35% of economy shut down at some point you have to get things moving (because if the economy stays reduced for a long period that will cause its own severe tensions and yes mortality). But how to ease the lockdown? If people return to work there won’t be social distancing on the Overground. If you open pubs and restaurants even for a couple of days a week ditto. Without a vaccination it is extremely difficult.

It’s hard to see how cemeteries can be open to the general public while mourners aren’t allowed to attend funerals. I think the authorities need to get protocols in place for that first and also to allow access for people to visit loved ones graves.

Because some people are idiots.

It is easy to maintain social distancing in cemeteries - many are larger than parks. Funerals are difficult because they are essentially social gatherings.

Trying to organise a funeral during this time is deeply devastating, knowing that they could suddenly say no attendees at all, would cause such heartache & sorrow. As it is only 10 close family can attend at present, keeping a social distancing rule, but this could easily change to less or none. No one wants their loved one to be cremated or buried alone. As it is the services are not the normal procedures. So many people are going through this right now. You can’t even be with your family & friends to grieve or comfort. Shocking times! If closing cemeteries needs to happen to allow close family access to bury/cremate their loved ones then fair enough. No one should be alone on their funeral.

Minister says parks and cemeteries must stay open, heard him earlier today link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52339266

That’s a relief I was trying to find as only saw the headline cemeteries to close.

they’ve been closed in Southwark for a few weeks

I think some are closed already but he was planning on asking councils to ensure they are open - not sure who has the authority but assume gentle persuasion is being used.

My aunty died two weeks ago and only two people could attend her funeral. The rest of us had to watch through a webcam. Needless to say it was rubbish. Would rather have not attended at all. That’s not to say I disagree with that social gatherings - including sadly funerals - should be discouraged. It’s just that I think that cemeteries should remain open for those wishing to take peaceful exercise. There are those of us who would prefer the solitude of the cemetery as opposed to the busy park environment.

Honor Oak said 10 where allowed the other day. & that comes under Southwark. I hoping it doesn’t change

I heard today that they were just about to open them again. Not open that i can see. Has anyone else heard anything ?

I seem to remember reading a few days ago that Councils had been ordered to keep all cemeteries and parks open.

I think it varies by cemetery. Southwark ones opening from today with except of Honor oak which will only open sundays from 10am except for funerals. Haven’t checked lewisham cemeteries yet but might be on council website

Nunhead cemetery has just reopened, with extended hours to allow more people to use it. Lovely place for a walk.

Thats good news, but Brockley and Ladywell cemetery stays determinedly closed. I have looked at Lewisham council website but it is not at all clear who one can make contact with. We are still fuming about this in our house.

I think it’s only going to be open at the weekends 9 to 5 to everyone and will be shut all week for funerals. You could try this email address and they should be able to put you in contact with people that oversee them.