Lost dog [Found]

Sorry to hear this. Which road/area was Louis last seen in?

Hi, he escaped from Woolstone Road anytime from 2pm today. Thanks

I’ve shared on our social channels:
SE23.life Page (3,820 followers)
@SE23.life (4,820 followers)
@SE23_Tweets (550 followers)
@SE23Dogs (88 followers)

Okay, we’ve had a response (thanks @JohnRussell)

Thank you all. We’ve just been in contact. We are heading there first thing in the morning! Bizarrely he is chipped so not sure why it didn’t come up!

https://www.gov.uk/government/news/compulsory-dog-microchipping-comes-into-effect This is legal requirement please can you chip your dog. This would of make it easier to locate you and your would of have less stress as you would have been called . It was fortunate that this post was spotted here as it was not on facebook. Glad you will be reunited

Honestly he is chipped!! We have no idea why this hasn’t been picked up. We only moved here a few months ago and updated the address as soon as it changed. We absolutely adore this dog and would never dream of not chipping him
Thanks so much to those who have helped find our boy

In that case check with the chip company and explain what happened also chips are known to move so every inch of the animal needs to be checks head to back And sides. Maybe worth taking to vets there is one crofton park area to clarify for your own sanity. Explain the situation.

So glad you got your dog back and welcome to the neighbourhood!

I shared but will update info as soon as pooch is officially reunited with you

That’s brilliant news. Glad you’ve found Louis and welcome to the area and to this forum

Yes will do as soon as possible- was checked during his last routine visit and all ok but perhaps it has migrated.
Anyway we are just glad he’s safe and well and hoping he’s not too scared
The lockdown is hitting dogs hard too clearly!! naughty pup