Gardeners’ photo thread

And these are two climbing roses.
Mme Isaac Pereire (the pink one! I’ve made a bit of a muddle of the order in which I’ve posted them.) - which isn’t a true climber, but I’ve trained it as such and it’s a good controllable size for our courtyard.
And Mme Alfred Carriere (the white one - rather a dark photo) - which is a rather rampant climber for the space it’s in, but worth the constant tying in and trimming.

Here’s a couple of flowers from my Nelly Moser which is doing great right now:
Note the leaves behind the flowers are from my brutish Clematis Armandi which produced loads of flowers earlier in the year. Having Nelly climb through the dense green foliage seems to work as a good combination to keep more interest though the year. I’m considering trying to get a rambling rose in there too for a bit more variation.

My mum sent these today as she can’t remember what this plant is called. It flowered last year and has come back this year.
Anyone know its name?

That’s stunningly beautiful @Clair but I’m afraid I don’t know what it is.

*Polemonium caeruleum. Jacobs ladder

That’s brilliant thank you Dave! I will pass on to my mum. She’ll be chuffed!

I thought I’d have a go at propagating some camellias this year. Initially I cut a few stems and just dunked them in some compost, then I actually researched it and you’re supposed to cut the stems just above each leaf where the new shoots are coming out. So I planted about 20 thinking if 2 of them work then I’m winning. Seems like almost ALL of them have rooted so I may need to open a garden centre in the summer I also managed to grow a couple from seed (in the glass pot) but they’re still tiny.
Also tried a couple of magnolia stems - I have no idea if they’ll work yet. Plus some baby Aloe offshoots from the big one in the pot on the terrace. Oh and a couple of Flame Trees with seeds from Singapore… I don’t think they’ll last the winter though.
I’m enjoying lockdown!

The flowers look like a potentilla, but the leaves don’t. Very pretty, whatever it is. How does it spread? Maybe you can take cuttings or layer it.
If you show your photo to Shannons they’re bound to know.

Cistus, probably salvifolius prostratus ( dwarf sage leaved )rock rose**. Sun loving, drought tolerant

Bingo. That’s it. Thank you

Gosh you’re good

I think they’re Californian Poppies.

Thank you Chris
Loving this photo thread very helpful.

Gorgeous vibrant colour that rose. Do you know what it’s called?

Some gorgeous shots here!
Went to Shannon’s earlier which was busy but they were doing a great job of distancing and although there were more gaps than usual, the selection of plants seemed good unless you’ve got no wiggle room on what you’re offer.
I got the compost to replant my Monstera but sadly they only had very long moss poles and I only need one that’s 80-100cm. I might have to try to create something with bamboo stakes as can’t even find one online that will deliver before end June.

Californian Poppies look very delicate but are quite robust. Its been blooming there for a good while with little petal loss. Will definitely be on the lookout for some to add to garden.

Get some seeds , they dislike being transplanted in my experience. Premier seeds direct do several varieties at 99p / packet

I sowed a whole packet and got nothing!

My seeds ordered yonks ago from Sarah Raven arrived only yesterday. They include Iceland poppies, giant white snapdragons and sweet peas. I fear it’s too late now to plant any of them for flowering this year, but I’m going to give it a pop. Also cornflower seeds from Suttons, which I ordered so long ago I had completely forgotten about and bought again elsewhere. I think of all the things I ordered from Suttons nothing apart from the cornflowers arrived as ordered. Most disappointing of all were my grafted tomato plants, which arrived as non grafted seedlings and completely different types. Not even just varieties - but actual types.

Thank you Oakr. I do love his roses. And that one looks luminous. We had several of them in our last house, which was a newer house with a really big garden with different areas. Plus we were close to his gardens, which are fab, and we were always coming home with something new.
Here we have very little space and I think only one of his and the remainder are old types, purely because I tried to plant varieties that would have been around when our house was built. (Not that I always got it right.)

Nice - do they fruit here? I’ll be honest I had to google them…
Below is an oriental poppy - 3rd year same plants it seems keep coming back up - I don’t think they are self seeding as 2 plants come back every year in the same spot so guess they are perennial! Much bigger than normal a poppy, with an interesting flower.

Do you know if I should deadhead the spent flowers/pods?

I don’t have a good track record of identification on here, but here I go again …
Flamingo Willow?

That looks it… and with a name like that how can I not get one for the small gap in the front garden.

It’s a dwarf variegated willow. Not flowers, just coloured leaves.

Thank you.

Isn’t that the same thing … ish?
I’m desperate to get something right for once.

Yep, same thing

I’ve got some tree lillies that now have the flower buds (if that is the correct term…)- They are great, come back every year, and you can split the bulbs after a few years and double your plants!

Could be a Delosperma jewel of the desert. The flowers open in the sun and then close. They like lots of sun and arid conditions

Thanks @Suze that looks like it. I shall have a read up on them to work out what to do.

It definitely won’t like it’s feet being wet, so I’d remove the saucer on the pot. And it’ll probably want to be in houseplant or succulent compost with some fine grit mixed in. I don’t think I’ve ever fed mine. It just sits in the sun in a ceramic pot and is fairly neglected!

That is what I have but a very small compact one…

Great - I’m going to split my white flowering ones later this year or whenever the foliage has died down and take them out of pots - if I have a few spare you are welcome to them. I find them pretty trouble free bar red beetles I had one year and their larvae but got rid of them the last few years and none this year. And they do get bigger each year as an added bonus!

My first strawberries!
Probably the most expensive strawberries in the world. £26.95 for 18 plants. 6 plants doing well (Mara des Bois - which these are). 2 questionable but I’m hopeful (Manille)… 10 never really showed much sign of life (4 X Manille + 6 Gariguette).
These look nice though and smell like concentrated strawberry summer. That’s tonight’s pudding sorted. One strawberry for himself and one for me.

Which tastes better with butter? The fruit or the flower?

Wow… that’s stunning. Not sure I’ve ever seen one flower before. Was in the Channel Islands last year and came across an allotment full of fruiting ones which was some sight. I do love artichokes…

Oxalis deppei

Possibly Gazania, open in sunny conditions

Thank you! I will pass onto my mother in law. She be grateful too

Yes that’s definitely it. Name rings a bell too - thanks!

Wow stunning. In general the photos on the forum, gardening skills not to mention baking talent is amazing

Wow! They’re all spectacular shots but love the last one especially because of the colours. It would make a wonderful framed poster on the wall! Is it a clematis ?

Cheers! Yep the last one is a Clematis although I don’t know the type…

Loving this thread - some fantastic photos and plants here, and some superb macro ones @Foresthillnick.

The red stigma and pollen antler pic is from the tree lily you gave me. Amazing plant.

I know this is more about the flowers in the gardens, but I was thrilled today to spot a dragonfly!! I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in my garden before. It was resting on my clothes drying outside. Unfortunately it flew off before I could take a photo!

I love seeing them as well - more often damselflies than dragonflies though did see a huge dragonfly the other day!

Balloon flower. Aka Platycodon.

Thank you Mary! I have passed it on, very much appreciated:)

I’ve never heard of damselflies! Thanks! I think it was a damselfly then. It was green and thin.

Wow that 1st one is stunning! What kit are you using?

Yes I love that one can’t believe the detail.
Just lucky I think as they weren’t staying still long. & taken on my old iPhone. Thank you though!

tigridia- very exotic

Could it be some sort of prostrate juniper? Like this …

Monterey Cypress I believe.

I but snapdragons (or bunny rabbits as I call them!) every year for our garden. They are a reminder of my grandparents garden. We had some lovely ones this year from Shannon’s called ‘sunset’ very unusual. Unfortunately we haven’t got them anymore & I didn’t save a photo.

Amazing. But surely it is spring isn’t it ? This must be spring, or if it isn’t, it certainly feels like it. I have been separing my perpetual spinach and purple sprouting broccoli plants today. They were a bit crammed together through the winter, but now they are really accelerating and need some ‘lebenstraum’ - know what I mean ?

Not quite but it’s coming!
I really must do some more purples sprouting broccoli this year, did some last year but most feel to the pigeons or other animals, one is still going strong though!

I have a lot of plants that i planted out in the autumn of last year. They survived the winter quite well and i am now expecting great things. You have reminded me about the pigeons. I think I will have to take precautionary measures

Lovely picture that one. The rolling shutter on the wings is also interesting - the ‘slices’ are 16 pixels wide, so your camera probably has a 16-bit data bus for shifting the pixels off. If we knew the exposure time of the picture we could probably guess at how fast the wing was moving.

EXIF data gets removed on upload here doesn’t it?

Yep it does, but @oakr just supplied the details

A quick tip from me! Much as I love our local garden centres, I bought some David Austin roses from the website to augment the three I planted over the last couple of weeks. The garden centre ones were the same price but literally less than half the size of the ones directly from David Austin, and were less well rooted too. I am going to buy direct next time I plan to plant some (though not for a while as they are expensive!)

Lovely photo, the bee (is it a bee?) looks almost camouflaged!

thanks, yes it’s some kind of bee- very small though

They may be expensive, but you can definitely tell how great the quality of them are! I don’t know if I could ever go back to mortal non-DA roses now…

Still have a few things flowering
Hebe. Most stopped but this is one I grew from cuttings and planted out a few month ago, so it’s flowering for the first time now. The other 5 ones from cuttings I planted out later and no flowers.
Lavender still just about going, really should cut it back.
Borage self seeded and started flowering recently, much later than others that have already come and gone.