Have just noticed that my watch is starting to run slowly… which means I need a new battery. Aside from the fact that everything is closed at the moment, is there anywhere locally to Forest Hill that does watch battery replacement now that Hamiltons on Dartmouth Road is gone? Google throws up something called “Upgrade Watches” on Perry Vale but I suspect that may not be a retail business as it looks like it’s located in the apartments over Forest Hill Superstore! The next nearest according to Google is The Watch Polisher on Lordship Lane but if anyone knows of anything nearer, I’d be most grateful.
Archived on 6/5/2022
Watch Battery Replacement - anything local (once Covid is over)?

11 May '20

11 May '20
Timpson Bell Green (the cabin in the Sainsburys car park near the electric car points)?
Closed temporarily at present though.

11 May '20
D’oh… of course… completely forgot about them…

11 May '20
I use the man in the Catford precinct for watch batteries. He is not there at present (or whenever I go to Catford).

11 May '20
Doesn’t the shoe guy on London Road do watch batteries too? Though I suppose he is closed as well.

11 May '20
Yes he does but as you say closed just now. He does watch straps too.

11 May '20
Oh excellent… I’ll try him first once he reopens…

11 May '20
He is also very good with shoe repairs. The zip on one of my good winter boots went and he replaced it so I’ve had another couple of year’s wear so far out of them.