We have a motley collection of potted plants out front. Disturbing to find geraniums lifted and taken. How is that worth someone’s time? Feel free to tell me that I have this wrong and that they have been eaten by something.
Potted plants taken

Well weirdly I’ve got some geraniums out on my windowsill and about a month ago a couple had been dug up. I think it was an animal. My friend in ED had the same. But this was only a couple rather than all. Hope it’s an animal.

Sometimes animals dig things up (I think usually squirrels) and make a mess scattering soil around. This is different - plants gone without much mess.

It does sound like they’ve been targetted, maybe by entitled moron who can’t be arsed to wait for the garden centres to reopen.
I have quite a view of the street from my Windows and you’d be amazed at the cheek of some people. You’d think holly and lilac only grow high up, the way some passing women pick everything in reach (and I’ve only seen women do it, though sometimes sadly they have children with them).
I and others have had red plants taken from graves but that was a rural churchyard and we put it down to deer. Though usually they just eat the flowers, if the plant isn’t firmly established they have been known to take the whole thing. Oddly it seems to be mostly red flowers.
But I have had plants taken from my front garden here. On one occasion my husband saw a woman digging up primroses that had been given to me by my mum. I chased after her like Nemesis and I made her give them back. She was on an organized walk with the London Natural History Society. When I complained in writing they said they were surprised because primroses were of no interest. Harrumph.

We had a window box full of chilli plants taken last year and 2 lavenders taken a few years ago.