Open tennis courts?

I saw people heading in the direction of Dulwich Park with tennis racquets a couple of days ago. I didn’t clock if anyone was playing when I cycled past, so I’m not sure to be honest!
Where’s the one in your picture - fancy new artificial surface - I’ve not seen that before!?
Welcome to the forum!

I got an email from Southwark on Friday saying they were opening the ones at Burgess Park and another one further into the borough. There was no mention of Dulwich Park and I don’t recall seeing the nets up at Dulwich Park today. There’s another tennis club or two up along Dulwich Common so might have been where those racquets were headed.

The LTA website lists all their affiliated clubs:
LTA - find a tennis court
Alternatively try the various council websites:
Lewisham Council Sports pitches and courts
Southwark Council - outdoor sports facilities

Why aren’t the Lewisham tennis courts open? They sent me an email saying they were opening up on May 13th, but still nothing.

Last night or the night before last there was a BBC London piece showing the courts in Burgess Park are open.

Hi Winnie - I don’t know which ones are open. I purely gave some relevant websites for @Lloyd_Black to check!

Dulwich Park has the nets back up and saw a couple of kids having a knockabout on Weds am.

Mayow Park and Sydenham Wells courts up and running.

Are the nets back up? No posts or nets when I was there this morning at Mayow, but the online booking is definitely back up

Hope so. Have booked a court for tomorrow!!

Hi, I’m looking for a sparing partner so I thought I’d revive this thread.
Basically I’m looking for someone to casually play with, and even do some games. I’d say my level is between beginner and intermediate (I haven’t played tennis in years but am reasonably fit and do other racket sport).
I’m available anytime of the day and can play at either Mayow Park or Ladywell Fields.
Send me a DM if you’re interested, or if you have some info about finding people to play with. Thanks.