House fire in Melford Road

Thank you burning plastic but why? It’s ruining the beautiful sky. Not missing the plane noises it’s been bliss prefer the birds singing.

Gross. Some idiot burning plastic I expect which is against the law

Do hope everyone got out safely. What an awful thing to happen and likely to be hard to replace some stuff while in lockdown.
I did hear sirens this morning but it wasn’t til I went out for my run I realised what a huge response it was. And came home to an incident response truck outside my door (parked rather than active)

Looks like it was a house fire. Hope that everyone got out ok & all involved are safe.

Burning plastic produces cyanide gas.


Thank goodness no one appears to have been hurt physically. But such an awful thing, especially so in these troubled times. It’s bad enough for the people whose house was the source of the fire, but the next door neighbours will have lost their homes too.