Forest Hill Mural has been tagged [Now Repaired]

This is why we can’t have nice things. What an idiot.

If anyone is so inclined.

Does anyone know what sort of cleaning solution would work on anti-graffitti coating? Diluted Flash and a sponge?

Probably worth trying with warm water and a sponge first, to see if that does it?

I’m sure Lionel Stanhope would be happy to advise. You can tweet him at @lionel_stanhope

… or mention him here @Lionel

Hi, either or both mentioned should do it. The coating is designed to repel. Thank you.

Could we have your mural on both sides of the bridge, please?
Murals are on both sides at Catford.

Add the second one to the foot tunnel to make it less boring… perhaps on the brickwork above as you walk down the steps.

Warm water and a sponge didn’t work, and neither did diluted Flash. Just ended up cleaning the grime off that part of the wall and probably making the tagging more prominent.
Maybe the Council use a specialist paint removal product? What’s the app they have for logging street requests?

Thanks for trying though @blushingsnail But seeing Lionel’s pic does make it look like you should go back and do the rest I helped clean it before it was painted so I realise the undertaking that would be!