Archived on 6/5/2022

Socially distanced puppy meet ups?

29 May '20

Hi everyone,

I know lots of people have recently got dogs and puppies and socialisation is a bit of a tricky one right now. Are there any other people looking to meet up with other (vaccinated) puppies? Given the changes in rules, small groups should be able to meet up with our puppies from 1st June, then us owners can stay at least two metres apart and let them play together. Happy to travel to various local parks if other people are keen to meet up with their pups.

Give me a shout on this thread and we can arrange something. Thanks!

13 Jun '20


we are a group of 3 puppies that meet regularly in parks. Feel free to message me!
We have two cockapoo and one springer spaniel pup at the age of 15 weeks. There is also a group that meets up at the horniman gardens every morning from basically when the gardens open their door to 11am.

12 Aug '20

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