Missing Kitten [Found]

Sorry to hear about your kitten @Jodie_Evans.
I’ve shared on our social channels:
SE23.life Page (3,820 followers)
@SE23.life (4,850 followers)
@SE23_Tweets (560 followers)
@SE23Cats (300 followers)

Hi Jodie - not sure if the advice is the same with kittens as for cats, where it’s recommended to leave something it knows and can smell outside so it can maybe find it’s way back.
Also are you sure it got out? Our cat has gone missing in the house and I know other people who have found them in chest of drawers etc- it’s amazing the places they get to.
Good luck - hopefully he is home soon (or not hiding anymore).

I’m sure you’ve checked but just in case not have you checked all small dark places within your home or garden? They can get into smallest of places and might just be sleeping somewhere. I really hope that’s the case and you find your young one.

Thank you! We panicked found him hiding inside the sofa . Lol

Alls well that ends well!