We came across this very friendly, very skinny cat on Burghill Road this evening. He/she maybe just be old but given how skinny it was, and the fact it looked a little shabby, I’m worried it was a stray. One ear was Slightly mangled and it had patches of darker skin on the skin in front of the ears. Does anyone recognise it/ know if it has a home nearby?
Stray cat? Possibly Russian blue or similar

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SE23.life Page (3,820 followers)
@SE23.life (4,850 followers)
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@SE23Cats (300 followers)

She been missing or stolen for a week please can u get the cat to the vets

Hi Ellie- I don’t actually live right where we saw the cat, but as I thought she looked like she might be a stray, would be worth posting anyway. Maybe you could look on/ around Burghill Road? Do you have Other pictures of Luna? This cat’s right ear was a bit odd and it had dark skin patches in front of the ear, does Luna have those?

It could have been Luna then. I did look on Burghill Road yesterday when I was out for a walk but I didn’t see her. Maybe if you look around the area/ put up posters and ask around you will find her. I hope you do.

Also @anon5422159 could this be posted on SE26.life too as the area is pretty close to Sydenham?

Sure. Do feel free!

Thanks Chris- Ellie, do you want to do that as I am sure you have better photos than mine! I also posted on nextdoor a few days ago too, so if anyone mentions other sightings I’ll pass them on. I’m sorry I couldn’t help more but will keep a look out near that area and would love to know if you find her.