Archived on 6/5/2022

Does anyone have any crutches lying around?!

16 Aug '16

Morning all!

This is a bit of a long shot, but does anyone happen to have a crutch or two lying around that they’d be willing to lend/rent to me for a couple of days?

I crunched my ankle playing badminton last night, and can’t really move at the moment…

I’m near the Chandos! :confounded:

16 Aug '16

@philI have a pair, wondered if I was going to need them over the weekend, but appears not.
They are non standard type, might not be to your liking. See pic.

Let me know if they are any good and I can get them up to you.

16 Aug '16

Thanks very much @anon64893700

After sending out a lot of Whatsapp messages I managed to source a pair from a friend in Homerton and Uber Pool them to SE23!

Just got to limp over London Bridge on them now!

16 Aug '16

Ah i just saw this. We have some and i could have popped them round. Hope you feel better soon.