Most annoying when trying to get to Crafty Beer on the way home from the Signal.
Forest Hill underpass closed

Over night work I assume. Did it say?

Not that I could see.

I think they are packing up the sewer bypass system

Aaah that would make sense.

It’s scheduled to be closed until 3 Sept. Pretty serious pipe work in the underpass…

Drove past there just now. Still closed. Even if (!!!) all the actual work is completed, there’s a hell of a lot of gear to get rid of before that underpass is usable again.

They scribbled 7th over the top of 3rd, but as you say, there seems to be quite a lot to do before then.

There are three separate signs all with different dates. They seem to suggest the end of the month - one states 22nd and another 27th!

Slight difference to the 3rd eh

In case you havent noticed the underpass has reopened and is looking its same grotty self.