Crochet Appreciation / The Yarn Bomber strikes again

Great find @Lj, thanks for sharing here!

When passing next, could you get a clear picture of the ‘crochet cafe’ sign and post it? Tah.

Yep I will tonight on my return
I did regret not doing this just after taking the photos.

They bring me so much joy going to and from work I almost missed my train the other day photographing them!
Commuting is so stressful at the moment-not to mention being ‘back in the real world’ and these are little rays of sunshine

Someone photographed the artist and posted a photo on Instagram. Checkout @peopleofforesthill

They have been amazing and a real treat for our 2yo on the way home from nursery but on the way home tonight it appears quite a number, including the walrus have gone. Very sad if people have stolen them.

That’s a shame if that’s the case! They were there when I came out the station on Wednesday.

Most of the ones on the south side of the station carpark have gone, walrus, duck,flamingo etc…in fact this morning it appeared that a few from the west facing side had gone too.
I find it heartbreaking that some idiots have to ruin something that brought real joy to adults and children alike-plus the work that went into these pieces was a surely a labour of love.
I actually find it more upsetting than the theft of the christmas tree hat because someone gave so much time and care to make these woolen sculptures for the enjoyment of others in that ugly station car park.
Why cant people just leave nice things alone for all to share?

Fear not…they are back in place!

Gone again today…I was there at around noon.

What about the Walrus, Ducks and so forth the ones nearest WH Smith?
Those are the ones I was referring to
I love these so much I feel weirdly proprietorial towards them!

Love these!

Does anyone have the contact details of the person doing the crochet? Or shall I put a note through the front door of the house with the distinctive front garden, and hope it’s the right address?!

Fantastic - I was sad to see they had gone the other day, but looks like they were taken in and then updated for the season

Saw them yesterday. Absolutely charming & they’re keeping the posts warm & cosy

Donut worry love it. They’re all pretty fab!

They are so lovely. The person/s who made them certainly has a talent. Although I used to be a prolific knitter, (not able to now due to rheumatoid arthritis) I could never get the hang of crocheting.

Yes we will have to see! Does anyone know who makes them?

I can crochet … but I can’t knit (I never could work out what to do if I dropped a stitch or needed to correct anything). We could have made a good team!

Ha ha! Yes I could have knitted say a cardigan & you could have crocheyed an embellishment around it
Not sure I have spelt that right!

Post from July '20
Someone photographed the artist and posted a photo on Instagram. Checkout @peopleofforesthill
Looks like there is an Instagram here:

Oh wow - that’s very creative, getting the pots in there too

Saw them yesterday thought how lovely! Looking forward to seeing the crocheted hose pipe coming down the road to water them.

My favourite.

How good are those!? Love them, my favourite is the blue tit!

That bush is busy with birds.

Does anyone know the person/people who do the bollard crochets at Forest Hill station and other places? I’d love to do a piece on them for the Forest Hill Society newsletter. If they prefer anonymity we can keep that as well.

I think they were credited to “London Yarn Bomb” as well, see some vague info here: Crochet Appreciation - #22 by ForestHull
You could also knock on the door of the ‘crochet house’ I suppose…

If @ForestHull’s suggestion doesn’t work, I think I might know where they live based on the front garden of a house (unless it was commissioned!), if you want the road PM me (I don’t know the number but can direct you).

Thanks. I think I know which road it is as well. I am hoping though that someone might have another form of contact before I start cold calling on doors in a pandemic.

A call or video call would certainly be better, but I actually feel knocking on someone’s door and all staying outside can be done pretty safely nowdays. Good luck, let’s see if they want to be the Banksy of the crochet world!

You could also drop a friendly note through the door asking them to get in touch. Maybe embroider your message on a hanky if you want to really get their attention

It’s brilliant - and I can give you a very tenuous connection. My colleague’s Mum is part of the group who made it. She made the Queen on this one…

I just love seeing these wherever and whenever they pop up. Huge thanks to the kind heart of whoever makes them and sends them out to bring cheer.

They are on Instagram, you could try a DM?

They are so nice & would make a lovely present for a child as thru can just be put in the wash when dirty, depending on the stuffing I suppose.

I miss seeing the crochet at FH station.
It used to brighten my day!

Just when I was lamenting the lack of Crochet Joy at the station.
Looking forward to seeing them tomorrow morning