I travelled on buses from Honor Oak to Catford and back today, and this evening trains from Honor Oak to Sydenham and back. From this admittedly small sample I would say 60% face covering, 40% not. There are definitely people getting on buses and trains without covering. I am not going to get a fit of the vapours on this, but if that proportion is common then mandatory use seems to be a busted flush and a bit of a PR exercise What do others see?
I see that the Govt is now wanting to get people back to work. I understand and get this - pubs and restaurants in the centre of London and Canary Wharf have little chance of surviving without people going into Central London.
However, trying to get people to travel in when for the last few months we’ve been told its very unsafe to use public transport is a bit of a challenge! Not really sure how that circle can be squared.
Personally, I am happy to use local facilities like Babur and Chandos (I accept there is some increased risk but the alternative is staying indoors ad infinitum). But I would be a liar if I said I was itching to get into a crowded Overground or Jubilee for Canary Wharf.