I’m off to the continent tomorrow and realise my car doesn’t have GB on the plate (my last one did) - does anyone know where I can get one locally so I don’t get fleeced at the Chunnel shops.
Need a GB sticker for my car - any ideas where to get one locally today?

Oh - good idea - thanks. I guess I’ll cycle down. I was thinking maybe the Esso/Tesco up by Horniman? Do the garages sell them? Then I can walk.
Or plan B - send a kid down to Halfords…

Halfords autocentre at Bell Green maybe.

Btw , my recent experience is that when you return there is a UK govt Track and tracing form you need to complete online. Although it is allegedly ‘world beating ‘ … It is in practice a pain to complete and on the very clunky gov. Uk website and you don’t want to be doing it in a hurry like we did in a ferry queue with dodgy satellite coverage. So do it somewhere with decent signal up to 48 hrs before you return.
Every traveller has to do a separate form and you may be asked to show it at UK Customs.

Do you have the stickers to adjust the car lamps? I’ve had a couple of friends stung by French police for that.

You also need a small breathaliser kit in the car if driving in France, and one high-vis vest per passenger, it sounds silly but it’s true. Gendarmes can be mean with on the spot fines.

Yes I have the vest/triangle/French kit stuff from a previous trip, but thanks for reminding me to get it out of the other car!
I have a feeling there’s some way to get the lights to flip when you switch the speedo to km/h - I will check, but also good reminder @starman

Thanks I am in fact ahead on this one as I set myself a reminder to do it the day before we set off on the return. The French have a paper form outbound that looks like it was made by a 12 year old.

I think the important thing with the vest/triangle is they must be within reach of the drivers seat (so not in the boot)

@clausy - I have a magnetic one you can have if it’s easier than trekking to halfords; I bought one then discovered the back of my car has no flat, magnetic, surfaces! I’m just off Kirkdale up by the Dartmouth Road Roundabout.

That would be brilliant - thanks I’ll DM you

I wouldn’t bother with a kit, as it looks like they have scrapped this law. The fine was only €11

Thanks everyone for all the tips and especially @An_Iain for the GB badge - you’re all awesome, and I’m all set for the trip.

Safe journey.

@Nivag That article really shows how bad lobbying can be. The law was put in place due to lobbying from the guy who owned one of only two companies that were allowed to make these devices - effectively giving him a captive market of millions.
Wonder if I can lobby BoJo to make it illegal to enter the congestion charge zone without a Me© Pogostick (something tells me he might be open to ‘lobbying’)

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