Dead rat

It probably is poison. I had a fox die in my garden one day - probably after eating something laced with poison.

How else are people meant to get rid of a rat? How would you feel if you had to share you flat with that!? You’d want it dead asap

Maybe he just died of shock

Its one hell of a size and in excellent condition. All those discarded boxes of chicken shop food are clearly not going to waste.

When we had a rat under the floor a few years ago, playing expensive havoc with the wiring and getting fat on the cat’s food, the pest control guy used a trap - a quicker death than the rat in the garden had.

What happened next - I wrapped the rat and put it in the general waste bin for collection last Wednesday. Ours was the only bin in the street they forgot to empty. We reported it at once and waited for the Council to collect it within 48 hours as promised. They didn’t. At 5 am this morning a man dumped the bags (including rat) from the bin onto the pavement and made off up the road with the bin. Don’t want to imagine what state the rat’s in now. And we have no bin to put it in.

Someone stole your bin minus contents at 5am?
Now I’m wondering what probability is of having ones bin stolen on the same day one has a dead rat inside.

When the works were been done on the shops opposite Olives and More the entire street seemed to be covered in bins filled with industrial waste. People often steal bins because they don’t want to go to the tip

Or stealing a bin is easier than doing the right thing - Landmann Way is also still by appointment only at present (which is probably sensible, but adds to the hurdles).

Maybe if the dead rat had fallen out of the wrapping when he emptied the bin, he might have fled!

Doesn’t look poisoned - not bloated enough. Anyway, despite all the tales, it is very rare for pet animals to get secondary poisoning from eating a dead poisoned rat - tests show that an adult cat would have to fully consume multiple rats with undigested poison in their stomachs in a single day to suffer secondary poisoning. Given the provision of Whiskas or Felix such consumption is unlikely. Personally, I have found the German pointer to be the most effective rat control device known to humanity.