It seems Virgin Media are looking to dig up Devonshire Road as soon as the pavement works are done (using the same company - Kensons!). This will be the third major set of works in 3 months
Does anyone know how to get the council to pay attention to all the work that happen in a very short space?
Digging on Devonshire Road

Wow, the road will look like the lunar surface after all this work!
What was it you were hoping for from the council, out of interest?

They have the ability to stop or fine. Stop because residents won’t get any benefit, fine because the same contractors shouldn’t be allowed to dig up the same road twice in succession.

Surely they should of done it at same time rather than waste more money for relaying.

The rational sequence would be to refurbish the pavement after the Virgin cabling works, otherwise the new pavement will be ruined.
The main problem with all the works is that priority is given to vehicle traffic and not to pedestrian safety. Pedestrians have to choose to ignore social distancing or walk in the road. If the road could be closed, there would be safe space for pedestrians and cyclists in the road.

They seem to be working on both sides of the road today which isn’t ideal! Especially as they aren’t filling around water or gas pipes as they go. So leaving open pedestrian areas a danger since they are not covering them
up properly, or removing sand laying on top which makes it slippery under foot.

Do you have a link or more info on the Virgin works?

Sadly none. All I know is that the markings on the end of the road were drawn up by VM and Kenson workmen - both sides of the road - right at the junction