My partner couldn’t sleep the other night so he sat on the porch looking up with the dog at the stars. He couldn’t believe his eyes shame he didn’t have his phone to record this. But woke me up and said did I see that I was like ehhh what the flash and colours I was like ehh Zzzz so no. What was it a shooting star or something he was alike not sure So we googled it today and wow he was up till 1am but said he saw this around 12:30am. Anyhow anyone else up at that time and saw this so amazing but also scary hey??!! Sorry no other details this was a lucky brief moment for him. Some People have pictures evidence of this so not jealous or anything.
Archived on 6/5/2022
Asteroid Passing

30 Jul '20

30 Jul '20
Look North just after sunset and before sunrise. Comet Neowise.

31 Jul '20
If it was a brief flash it was probably a meteor. The delta aquariid meteor shower had its peak yesterday, and the perseid meteor shower is also at this time of year.
I’d recommend getting an astronomy app for your phone, it’s useful for telling you what you can see each night (including satellites which is another possibility). Although with the light pollution around here that isn’t much…

31 Jul '20
Thank you!!