Archived on 6/5/2022
Fox cub in Hornimans

31 Jul '20
That little cub has been making the most of the picnics up there for a few weeks at least. We saw them a couple of saturdays ago. Very bold. I hope they are keeping out of trouble!

2 Aug '20
This year he will be eating your sandwiches at the family picnic ( bless him ! ). Next year he will be bigger and you would be well advised not to let that baby out of your sight when he turns up.

3 Aug '20
Interesting article on how urban foxes are
domesticating themselves.

3 Aug '20
An important quote from that BBC article:
The team, led by the University of Glasgow, stressed that urban foxes remained far from domesticated.
@Thewrongtrousers makes a good point, I think.