Anyone else hear thunder rumbling?

Can’t hear anything here, but the forecast suggested 60% chance of thunderstorms from 2pm onwards for 3 hours or so - no a drop here so far!

The Ventusky app shows some possible thunderstorms nearby:

I definitely think it’s thunder grumbling in the distance, coming in from Horniman direction.

I can hear rumbling but I thought it was my neighbours having one of their turns
Listening carefully, it does sound distant but it’s not frequent.

It feels nice with the breeze though still muggy but could be cooler I shall welcome more of that inside house is a oven to much!!

Having just seen the flooding they’ve had in Richmond and the size of the hailstones in Twickenham on the local BBC news I’m rather pleased this afternoon’s storm missed us. But I’m sure one will get us eventually!

There’s some super footage of our storms on Twitter. That rain is ferocious in the one above

Hopefully we’ll get some this afternoon.

Looks like it - it’s gone fairly dark and I think I heard some thunder (not that close mind you).
Edit - here come the rain!

Just saw lightning!!!

… w-was that it?!

That was exactly my thought - 20 seconds of rain and a single lightning flash. I am feeling short-changed even if it does now feel slightly cooler.

I think it’s made up for it with a nice evening now though.
Every cloud and all that

I was hoping for a decent burst of rain too hoping it would get rid of some of the pigeon poo that has appeared on some of my windows in the last week but alas the little bit we got has just made it worse
I thought it was pleasantly cooler this morning but since the spot of rain and the sun coming out it has got quite humid again.

I was hoping for a good downpour this afternoon…but oh well!