Just saw this post on FB - dogs apparently snatched from the back of a dog walker’s van on Kemble Road and bundled into a black van.
Dogs stolen from dog walker - Kemble Road [Reunited - 2.5 years later!]

This information is correct, we own the dog that has been found - he was handed into a pet shop in Bromley by a man who said he found him in Crystal Palace Park. Any information to help find the others would be brilliant.

So glad you got your dog back. Is he neutered by any chance? I’m wondering if they’ve been stolen for breeding. I’ll keep an eye out when I’m walking mine.

Great news. Must have been horrible for you.

Thanks Rachael, this link has pictures of the other missing dogs:
We’re relieved to have ours back but heartbroken for the other owners.

Glad to see this story is getting a lot of attention from all directions on social media. Good to see all the authorities get behind it, and hopefully get these dogs back home.

Also read about a dognapping in Camberwell on Thursday. Grab and snatch again

@anon64893700 - That’s the theft reported a few weeks ago here.
Dogs stolen in van - one recovered in SE26 (Sydenham)

This has made me think about my own security with my dog. He’s a breed that is attractive to theives and I’ve seen reports of people being mugged for their dogs while walking them. I sometimes put him in the car then pop back into the house if I’ve forgotten something. I’ll have to be more vigilant in future.

Terrible to have to think that way isn’t it. I’m the same with mine as they get a lot of attention, but think I am less likely to have mine taken. All the same, am aware.
Lets hope they catch these selfish idiots soon.
Give it a few months and I am sure a few of these dogs will start showing up at vets scanning microchips, which I hope they are all doing religiously right now anyway.

The latest news on the Kemble road missing dogs is they have 4 back ️

Fantastic news for the owners.
I hope measures are being taken by the dog walking services to make sure their vehicles are fit for purpose. Secure, ventilated, safe for carrying the dogs in (caged)

Does anyone know the motivation for these dog thefts? Do adult pedigree dogs have any re-sale value? Do people buy adult pedigree dogs? As all of these dogs were neutered and most recovered, were they taken as potential breeding dogs in puppy farms? My cocker spaniel would be very attractive for these bogus breeders, as cockerpoos are still incredibly popular. Luckily a quick peek round his hind quarters would show he’d not be much use in that department. But when he was a little pup I really had to keep an eye on him as they get snatched A LOT.

Puppy farms tend to have their own in-breeding methods to keep them legit and in business. Not nice but I would have thought less likely to be involved in this.
Probably people flogging them to strangers with the old, pure pedigree,broke up, or moved home and can’t have a dog, Heart broken but yours for £100
Can’t shift them within a couple of days, throw them out rather than feed them of stand out.

Puppy farms are never legit. I know people who’ve adopted ex-breeding Cockers. The conditions are inhumane. But I take your point.

Legit as far as legality goes in general. Minimal standards etc.
I am very familiar with them from when I was buying Tuvaaq. Aana is a rescue too.
I used to help with malamute rescue, some of the conditions they are bred in explain the behavioural issues some experience.
Rarely a need to steal dogs to keep them ticking over, certainly not a bunch of different breeds.

Does anyone know which dog walker the dogs were stolen from? We met someone the other day who claimed she knew the walker but wouldn’t give us the name, but said she wasn’t surprised as she left the van unlocked and the keys inside!
We are looking for a walker currently so don’t want to get someone doing that!

No idea but to be honest I doubt she’ll do that again, whoever she is. Was clearly too trusting/naive. Shame to have that knocked out of her like this.

Before I chose my dog walker, I took a morning to go out with him and my dog and saw how he handled things. A good walker shouldn’t object to you and your dog accompanying them on a walk. Although it won’t tell you how vigilant they are with their security, it will give you a good idea of whether their approach to the dogs fits with yours.

Incredible news about Jules the pug, lost two and half years ago: