I’ve stumbled across a man taking a dump next to the Sylvan Post pub…this isn’t the 1st time it’s happened. I can’t post a picture as I’m too new to this forum. White, bald, 45 ish, pointy ears, blue jeans and jacket, burgundy rucksack, white headphones, walking down Dartmouth road 30 mins ago.
Help me identify this man

Please don’t post a picture. Maybe call 101?

Also bald 45 year old white man in jeans basically describes 25% of the population (including me!)

I think we’ve resolved the technical issue with photo uploads from new members now (I have just updated the software and restarted the forum server).
But as @clausy (one of our moderators) said, he’d prefer the photo not to be published in this case.

Man taking a dump right there in the street. Jesus H Christ. The neighbourhood reaches yet another new low. How low can you go - that’s what i am thinking/asking my self.

A picture of some hobo taking a dump, that’s all we need. Technical issues to one side- Please no !

pubs open now, so could of gone in there.

Im hoping pubs are discouraging walk ins from using toilets. Or at least taking details for tracing.

Doesn’t this fall under fly tipping?

When in Greenwich with my friend last week & desperate for the loo, we asked in a cafe if we could go. They said yes & took our temperature before entering.
The local council toilets were not opened & apart from that we would have to have walked around the park!

Video better?

To be clear that was my personal opinion, not as a moderator so I’m not going to stop anyone posting anything that adheres to the guidelines.


Maybe the top half like face!! No need for the rest of the photo if allowed?
There is another man who I have seen do this he lives around area but not bald. He is polite but has bad hygiene issue sadly and lets at uses his bare hands and goes into peoples bins looking for food. Though I have seen him buy food and sit in local food chains eating?? I was shocked when I saw him do this and has lived around area for years.