I buy Private Eye and National Geographic. I was introduced to Private Eye by my uncle and have always been captured by how deep into the story they’re willing to go. Hislop can be funny on TV but on paper he just isn’t. National Geographic was part of my childhood as my father (and the same uncle who reads Private Eye) were/are subscribers and as the eldest tradition dictated that I got to read it after my dad. It was my window into the wider world before the internet came along. So, that being said: Do any of you guys still buy print journalism?
Who Still Buys Magazines or Journals?

‘The Tablet’ and the London Review of Books.

I have a Readly subscription which for £8 a month gives me and four others, access to lots of UK and overseas magazines - and their back issues.
It’s also got a great search engine if you’re looking for a specialist topic. I’ve found it useful when sailing to look for tips on ports in unfamiliar waters.
I’d recommend it. Let me know if you’re interested because I think they have a referral scheme where you get a free month (or at least they used to)

I used to subscribe to the Guardian and The Times, but gave both up a while ago.
all our subscriptions now are for the kids, and mainly bought by family:
Match of the Day Magazine
National Geographic Kids
and one other science based the name of which escapes me…

I subscribe to World of Interiors and Elle Deco my OH buys Private eye and Music based publications.
I gave up on fashion magazines long ago all advertising and no editorial content

Who remembers the mighty Viz?

Yes!! loved it!

I have a subscription. To Viz and Which? magazine.

Which Magazine and BMFA (British Model Flying Association) which comes free with my drone insurance. Good Food Magazine.

Mrs Brady - The Old lady. Finbar Saunders and his double entendres. Wasnt’t there a character with “unfeasiblly large testicles” or did i imagine that ?

Roger Melley, the man on the telly. The cowardly sharks and Billy the Fish. Millytant to name but a few.

I sub to New Scientist and I get a British Cycling magazine as part of my subscription.

I have subscriptions to Private Eye, PC Pro and WebUser. I buy Computeractive from the shop.

I subscribe to Private Eye, Practical Fishkeeping, National Geographic Traveller, Which? and Which Travel plus I get to read The Oldie that my OH gets; so quite a few really. I don’t think online versions can hold a candle to thumbing through a paper magazine.

I also subscribe to Private Eye and I receive the monthly magazine from the International Laverda Owners Club. I also like to buy the Times on a Thursday. I read various titles online but I do prefer something physical to read because I am old and grey and a relic of the past. Grumpy old man personified.

Buster Gonad, that was him.

Buster Gonad!

I’ve tried Readly, which you can read on your tablet, PC or phone which has a broad catalogue of titles from around the world, but I still prefer having a paper copy of a magazine as it doesn’t feel the same.

Viz are doing an introductory offer
I get the Spectator too.

Brilliant, thank you.

The Sunday Times in print via subscription (which also gives you digital Times all week). I think the subscriptions are different now for new subscribers. The print version ST has supplements not available digitally and I like to tear out and keep some gardening and recipe stuff, as well as occasional product reviews that I wouldn’t bother to look up online but whuch catch my attention in the mag. (I used to call them beauty products, but that ship has sailed and now I call them Canutes or vain attemot to hold back the tide products).
I also have membership mags in print - genealogy and medal stuff. I can’t persuade BECTU to stop sending my husband and I their membership mags They come in plastic wrappers. We get a copy each. We never read them. We’ve neither of us been members for years.
Oh and I am addicted to crochet magazines - especially American ones. And Russian patterns that I don’t understand. One day I’ll have time to actually finish making something, not just starting them.
Elderly mums and aunties like a little magazine called Evergreen that comes out quarterly. Hard to get. But I used to buy them in Twice Sweet. They make nice gifts for people in care homes.

I like the Viz. I haven’t read it in ages as I haven’t been near a shop, I have no idea why I never thought to subscribe before, but this was apparently the prompt I needed. So, thanks!

The six month sub is a bargain too.