Hi guys - moving to the area shortly and I was wondering if there is a residents association or equivalent group that is active at promoting all things forest hill? Love the area and keen to do my bit to make it even better!
Forest Hill residents association?

Hi @liverbird2020. Welcome!
We do a lot of promotion of Forest Hill and coordination here on SE23.life (we organised and commissioned the Forest Hill Mural, for example). We run several popular local social media channels as well as this forum:
SE23.life Page (3,940 followers)
@SE23.life (4,930 followers)
@SE23_Tweets (570 followers)
(Also many hyper-local accounts for individual streets etc)
Another noteworthy mention - the Forest Hill Society arranges occasional good deeds like cleaning the subway or installing planters.

Hi Chris - saw the mural, it looks awesome! Do you have meetings (when not in lockdown!!). Out of interest what’s topical in the area at the moment as regards funding from lewisham? Really keen to join when we move to the area!

We do organise public socials in addition to our team meet-ups. Click #meetup to read about some of our past social events.
As regards Lewisham funding, was there something in particular you had in mind? Note that this forum has a very powerful search facility, so please do give that a whirl to find what you’re looking for.

Thanks @anon5422159. I have been checking the search function. It’s great to see an active community! Main thing I was thinking about was speed restrictions through FH (traffic flies through by the horniman and up to FH station and then also on Dartmouth road) despite the 20mph (?) limit? Love the independent shops and cafes and would want to ensure thave the righe high street as the environment to thrive!