but I think she often goes to the point of defending actions that really shouldn’t have happened - Tonbridge is not Forest Hill
No it shouldn’t, but in terms of Network Rail, Forest Hill and Tonbridge come under the same area and management/maintenance teams, hence why Honor Oak works come alongside Tonbridge when looking it up as you have done. Not being defensive, just stating facts. I’ll try and refrain from talking about the railway for a while and stick to bins going missing, don’t want to rile you up
. Shall we just let trains run all day every day without any maintenance and just pour outrage when there’s a fatal derailment. Then we can start blaming Network Rail for not keeping infrastructure maintained.
@ForestHull has it correct, all the current rules and regulations are written in blood due to previous accidents and incidents. Lessons are learned, amendments are made. That’s why the current railway rule book is updated twice a year. The recent Stonehaven derailment just goes to show what can happen when there’s incidents outside of the railway’s control. Heaven forbid it was due to not maintaining tracks properly.
As I said earlier, the current closures are on other extreme ends of the line, but the works in the letter actually pertain to the line alongside our area. I live directly behind the line between Honor Oak Park and Forest Hill. The only times I have been disturbed during the night is when there’s large works going on, such as track renewal. Tamping (where a train comes along, vibrates the ballast and resets the track alignment), is not much of an issue, as it’s a rhythmic and repeated sound/motion. It also moves along the track at a steady pace, so won’t be be in the same place for long. So if you live alongside the line, you will only have it in your vicinity for a short period. As the letter states, there’s only two nights of track renewal, 19th and 26th September. The rest is tamping and preparation/follow up works.
I’m just confused as to what you’re more outraged about John, not being able to use LO on weekends, or overnight works that haven’t started yet? Both are warranted but I’d rather have to get a bus to get north of New Cross Gate for a couple of weeks than die in a derailment. Of course I will be defensive when it comes to maintenance and safety of the railway, which will always take precedence over passengers’ needs and wants. Also like I mentioned earlier, these closures weren’t planned for this time, but for over Easter holidays, but they’re taking place now. If covid didn’t happen, there would’ve been full LO services happening. However, most of these weekend closures Southern have been running so not sure why the outrage.
I know covid posses difficulties - but it shouldn’t be used as an excuse
There’s lots of drivers who have been furloughed due to being off-track. For either medical or operational reasons. Currently, they’re working to using volunteers of driver instructors who are willing to form “training bubbles”, to work with them to bring them back to operational availability. Only a small percentage of driver instructors are willing to do this currently, which means there’s a bottleneck of drivers returning, which means a massive gap in workforce available for LO to run a full service. So due to the small amount of instructors willing to risk getting covid, there will be delays getting full amount of staff back on the roster. Driver instructors and trainees work in a closed small environment so personal bubbles are being used as the way forward. Beforehand, if someone’s instructor was off, they could just go with another one, but at the moment they have to stick with the one they’ve formed a bubble with.
I really do understand your frustration in not being able to use London Overground on weekends, but these really weren’t supposed to happen at the same time, due to covid there was no choice but to do them now. It’s not ideal but they really couldn’t put them off any longer, which brings us to the current situation. It’s not a “lack of planning” but more a “lack of time”. They were originally planned out to have the least disruption for passengers, but they just can’t put them off any more, and as I’ve said a few times on here already, it was supposed to be over 3 4-day closures around Easter, but have had to spread it over multiple 2-day weekends instead.