Wallet found 02/09/2020 at around 10.30am on Stanstead Road near junction of Beadnell Road.
No address but contained several items, including a driving licence for a Mr Anthony Briggs.
If you know this man, please can you tell him his wallet and all of its contents were handed into Lewisham Police Station at 1.35pm today.
The Police took my details, I have a receipt and a note of the contents.
Archived on 6/5/2022
Wallet found this morning on Stanstead Road

2 Sep '20

2 Sep '20
I’m betting it is Mr Anthony Briggs wallet - and don’t all driving licenses have addresses on them?

3 Sep '20
As I said, there wasn’t an address on the driving licence and other cards had that name on them. It would have been alot easier if there was an address, I could have dropped the wallet off rather than go to Lewisham police station and poor Tony wouldn’t be cancelling cards etc.
A nectar card belonging to Miss H Heaney was in the wallet as well, anyone know her?

10 Sep '20
Good news,
Mr Anthony Briggs is very relieved to have his wallet back intact.