Help identifying this local bird breed please

Looks like a Jay bird I think

There are a couple that I saw hanging around Devonshire Road at the start of summer. Its a bit weird because they are traditionally woodland birds

I agree, we have Jays in the garden quite often. They’re fantastic looking birds.

They are fantastic looking birds, and we have them in our garden too (and yes, it is a Jay in the picture). However, they eat the chicks of other birds, and for that reason I’m not a fan. There were sparrows nesting in my next door neighbour’s roof a few years ago, and after weeks of feeding their chick day and night, it finally fledged. Only to be eaten by a jay! I was traumatised.

Magpies do the same I think. Again they are beautifully coloured birds.

Yep, I saw a magpie flying off with a screaming bird this week which it took to the ground. The magpie then had to drop it, but unfortunately for the taken bird that was because a fox was running towards it which promptly took the fledgling in it’s mouth and ran off.

I know it’s nature, but it is so cruel…

Thanks for that. I have only seen one twice before. Good to know