Stay safe peeps x
Serious accident by Honor Oak Station

Looks like a serious accident by Honor Oak Station, road apparently closed westbound.
Couple of ambulances and saw an air ambulance overhead earlier today - around 5pm

High Street still closed

It’s now open eastbound but not westbound.

Hope the persons involved are okay?. Surprised the Police turned up and they can’t be bothered to come out when a crime has been committed? even when they had more staff as they like to cherry pick the crimes that are easy to solve to improve performance record, if the fire brigade or ambulance service done this and someone ending up dying the public would be up in arms?.

Never trust the crossings in London until the cars come to a full stop. Doesn’t matter how far away they are from the crossing. If you can’t completely cross before they get there, then just wait.
I’ve seen so many near misses and a few years ago a friend was struck down at the same crossing (thankfully at low speed and they walked away from it). The police didn’t care at all.
Think of all the people who drive around intoxicated, on drugs, on their phones or shouldn’t even have a licence to begin with. Don’t put your life in their hands.

Having been run over before - I was standing on the pavement and a car lost control and mounted the kerb - I wish the very best for whoever it was that was hit
It’s definitely not nice!

Does anyone know what actually happened…

Someone told my wife it was a hit and run

Yes, wait until you see them stop. You are so, so right. Something I drummed into my daughters years ago. Hit and run was it ? That’s real nice. I hope there is the proverbial “special place in hell” for such people.

I always told my kids “assume they are not going to stop”.

@londondrz, @Thewrongtrousers
A bit of an aside, but when teaching your kids to cross the road what do you say to them about places other than zebra crossings when the drivers stop and wait and either flash headlights or wave you across?

The crossing from Manor Mount up to Horniman Primary is a good example of this. I always told them to imagine that everyone on the road, or pavement, is out to get them. Sounds harsh but that was the most valuable bit of advice I was given when I did my CBT.
That and just be bloody careful, check everywhere and expect the unexpected.

The advice I give my kids when they learned to cycle was ‘ride like you’re invisible’ i.e assume no one can see you. Applies just as well to crossing the road. Or on the flip side - make eye contact. Also works well.
A small p.s. my dad used to say ‘just because people are indicating doesn’t mean they’re turning’ - useful when pulling out of side streets and there’s main road traffic indicating to turn

and I tell mine to keep having a little glance over your right shoulder every minute or so. you never know what’s coming up behind you especially with electric cars/bikes/scooters. The “life saver” is what I call it. In a car we do it all the time.

Hang on a minute - a cognitive behavioural therapist told you to imagine everyone is out to get you?!

On London roads it sounds about right. I’ve had cars hooting at me not getting out of their way quick enough while they drive down pavements