[Found] Missing Gaston the Ginger Persian Cat

Sorry to hear about Gaston. I’ve shared on our social channels:
SE23.life Page (3,940 followers)
@SE23.life (4,930 followers)
@SE23_Tweets (570 followers)
@SE23Cats (300 followers)

Hi Chris,
Thank s very much for sharing.

I think I saw him on Tuesday evening around 8pm in one of the front gardens of the houses on Stanstead Road on the Perry Vale side, close to Cranston Road / Kilmorie Road.
It seemed slightly unusual at the time that a cat would be so close to the main road. He seemed friendly and well.
Good luck.

Thanks Dave. I’ve gone just now to check the area you described. No luck.

I saw this and was wondering if it could be the same cat?
It was rescued in Crescent Wood by London Fire Service.
Fingers crossed.

Hurrah ! what a relief for all concerned. So nice to see a happy ending. Good old Gaston.

Are we sure it’s the same cat? It looks identical, but that’s a fair journey for a cat that isn’t usually outdoors.
For future reference, it seems to be useful to ask for a retweet from Gladstone @TreasuryMog, especially on Wednesdays from 8pm, when it’s time for #GladdersYoga…
Or, if you want to go global, try Larry @Number10cat…

It’s quite a lot way of he trotted it… but not hundreds of miles… if it is him (I’d be quite surprised if there were lots of missing ginger Persians) I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d dashed into a delivery van (they do tend to leave the doors open) and then sprinted out a drop or two later… fingers crossed it is him - he looks so cute.

Hello everyone, yes Gaston has been found! Sorry for the delayed update, it was posted in so many places some of them fell throug the cracks. He’s home safe and sound since Saturday.
Cheers everyone for your help!

Bless !!!

Was It him who was rescued by firefighters?
where was he?

Yes it was him. The fire brigade was not as good as they made it look in the social post and article. They didn’t make sure Gaston was looked after and cared for after their rescue. They just let him go! He was lost again for an entire day. I couldn’t believe it. After all that time and effort they put in to rescue him, plus the Social post to make them look good in the eye of the public but not actually doing the right thing. Anyways, I went to the location where the LFB had made the rescue and put posters up around that area (a lot of well meaning neighbours had contacted me as well reporting sighting of Gaston)and the next day a family had spotted him and lured him in to safety for me to pick him up.

So, they rescued him? They are the fire brigade. What where they supposed to do afterwards?
How did you lose him?

Really glad he is back home

Thank heavens you got him back!