Can anyone else hear a fairly persistent, low droning noise in Forest Hill and surrounding areas? We’ve been hearing it on-and-off since last night, it sounds almost like… an air-raid siren? Tell us we’re not alone!
Archived on 6/5/2022
Droning Noise in SE23

19 Sep '20

19 Sep '20
Nothing here but then I have tinnitus so I tend to be a bit oblivious to noise!

19 Sep '20
There are works on the line - whereabouts are you?

19 Sep '20
When Mrs WrongTrousers starts going on at me about all the household duties I have neglected there is a very persistent low droning sound round my way. I don’t suppose that could have been it could it ?
Although to describe her as sounding like an air raid siren might - I do concede - be considered unduly harsh.

19 Sep '20
Most likely will be the works on the railway line, been going on all day and seeming all night…

20 Sep '20
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