Lost earring

Maybe go into Jumping Bean & ask them, they may be able to help, you never know.

@wmorgan1 - I think these are a very close match, though I can’t tell the exact size from your picture:
That’s on sale in the US so might not help track down the silversmith or be affordable to import Jill Platner (also US) has some similar but not quite as nice (in my opinion), though they might be worth looking at.
You could also consider having the one earring you still have turned into a necklace or brooch of some sort, depending on size, your style and sentimental value?
Good luck!

Thank you for that suggestion, I have been in there. Their suppliers don’t use the same jewellers. I could get the details of the suppliers and go from there.

Thank you for this information. I think you are right, put it on a chain.

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