Hey everyone!! I hope this is okay for me to post. Amid wandering around Dartmouth Road I found the most gorgeous little studio space that has been set up in an old cafe with artwork that has literally brightened my day. I’m new to the area so I don’t know if this place has been a studio before, but since I’ve been here the place has been barred up but it looks like it’ll be a studio for another day or two. Definitely worth a glance in the window, it made me smile so hopefully it’ll make someone else smile too (I believe the cafe used to be called the Lazy Peach, but don’t hold me to that. Happy Wednesday!)
Gorgeous little exhibition of artwork

Fine if the people in your picture are fine with it - it’s a nice post & welcome to the forum

They were totally fine with it!

Great find, @sofish, thanks for sharing and welcome to Forest Hill and to SE23.life !

Lazy Peach is much missed! They’ve been closed since the start of lockdown, although they did do a very tasty delivery service back in the spring and early summer. But there’s been no word on their social media since then
It’s good the space is being used in the meantime, I believe this art pop-up has been there for a number of weeks now.

Well that shows how often I walk down in that direction… It’s such a cute lil place, I hope it lands on it’s feet.

Ahh amazing!! More time for more people to get the chance to have a look around!

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