Our new cat and kitten have just bolted out our back door. They were stray, so may not come back of their own account. If you live on Bovill Road or Ebsworth Street please could you check your gardens for us? Black and white kitten apron 11 weeks and mother completely black, quite thin. Please let us know of any sitings. They are microchipped but need their next vaccines on Monday.
Archived on 6/5/2022
Black cat and black/white kitten lost, Bovill Rd / Ebsworth Street area

16 Oct '20

16 Oct '20
Good luck - if you have photos they might be helpful to upload also. Are they mother and offspring so to speak, ie likely be together?
I believe it’s recommended to put something outside the door they will recognise the smell off to make it easier for them to come back (if they want to).
Last thing are they definitely out of the house? I’ve seen a few posts where people have been sure they’ve escaped when the door has been open only to find them in the sofa or a drawer somewhere in the house…

17 Oct '20
They have been found! There is a posting on Nextdoor