While we wait to find out when Forest Hill Pools will reopen, nearby leisure centre The Bridge may not be set to reopen at all during the pandemic:
The Bridge to remain closed (during the pandemic)?

Update from News Shopper today confirming The Bridge will not reopen!

This is a shame for everyone who used it. It’s potentially not forever, but also likely they’ll just close it.
“Due to financial pressures The Bridge Leisure Centre will not reopen in the short term.”
“Detailed recommendations on the next steps for The Bridge are expected to be considered by the Council by autumn 2021.”

I used the pool there a number is times with the kids, so sad to see it staying closed.
I hope it reopens one day, but it doesn’t sound terribly likely from the article.

A further update, courtesy of Grainne Cuffe:

Looks like there are hippies dancing in the car park there again and police ‘having a word’.
So sad this civic facility has been let to ruin like this.

We should be encouraging people in their 60s and 70s to get regular exercise.

I agree, though these looked like young hippies with camper vans.

Elsewhere it’s reported that Lewisham commissioned a report that estimated £2m are needed to re-open The Bridge, and a vote will be taken next week. I couldn’t however find this in a cursory look at the Council meeting schedule…

That update has got “site sold to private developer for development” written all over it