Archived on 6/5/2022

Mushrooms / fungi in SE23?

30 Oct '20

Can anyone recommend a good spot to see fungi this autumn in SE23? I saw lots of amazing mushrooms and fungi in Sydenham Hill Woods last year but when I went searching a couple of weeks ago I didn’t see any :confused:

14 Nov '20

Seen on the path opposite Sainsburys FH that goes up to
Mc Leod House.

1 Jul '21

This is in Forster Memorial park SE6
(well worth a visit)
can anyone tell me what type of fungus it is?

1 Jul '21

It looks like a giant puffball maybe?

2 Jul '21

We get big mushrooms growing like they in our garden when it has been very damp over a period of time. They grow really tall & the heads grow to about 3-4 inches across if left!

17 Jul '21

This bit of fungi caught my eye earlier looked to me like heart shapes.

12 Nov '21

8 Feb '22