I’m wondering if you know of any shops locally selling small packs of fireworks I can buy in the next couple of days? I promised my son we’d have a firework display at home.
Shops Selling Fireworks?

Sainsbury’s usually sell them.

I didn’t notice any when I went in on Saturday, but I’ll have another look thanks.

Odd, they usually have a counter by customer services.

Jay’s Budgens in Crofton Park have some for sale.

I got some at Aldi bell green.

Last year, Sainsbury’s took the decision to stop selling fireworks due to the distress they cause pets and wildlife.

I see. Thanks. We’re just thinking sparklers and some of the ones that don’t really make a bang and are more like a fountain. I remember my parents’ dogs hiding from the noisy ones each year

My two cats are thankfully nonpussed by fireworks. But at this time of year my social media timeline is full of posts by friends begging neighbours to not use fireworks as they’re dogs are terrified. I can only imagine what this does to wildlife.
If it was only for one day it might be easier to manager pet’s reactions… but neighbourhood fireworks have become a nightly affair is some areas. This is some good advice from the RSPCA.
The advice on horses may not be so relevant in SE23.