@AndyS - yep I’m real. Also the earth is also round, vaccinations are a really really good thing that save lives, and Elvis is still alive 
Anyway, the key detail you allude to in the privacy policy is this:
I am operating as a self-employed sole trader. Trading names are forbidden from calling themselves ‘ltd’ as they are not limited companies and hence don’t register with Companies House - as you point out. Many tradespeople operate in this way, and since there will be little to no profit, this also does not need registering with HMRC (the threshold is earnings of £1000 or more). If we get anywhere near that in any year, we’ll collect ideas for donating to local charities and groups and then run a poll to donate away any of the money, rather than keeping it and being subject to taxation. Don’t get your hopes up though - given hosting costs I think se23.life will be very unlikely to break even, but if the losses are contained to something in the order of a Netflix Premium subscription or two, this is probably better entertainment for me anyway 
So note that no one pays anything to use the site - except me! We don’t generate income by selling personal data or anything like that. The only income is through small amounts of advertising from local businesses in the form of banners and pinned topics. I don’t plan to change that either, or in fact change too much as I think Chris has made a winning formula here. Instead my main concern right now is getting to grips with the many many settings, configurations and customisations on the site and keeping it running smoothly - it is easy to underestimate the huge amount of work that’s gone into se23.life since it’s inception, and it’s a massive pair of shoes to try and fill going forward!
Anyway, the reason I’ve taken on this site is because after Chris indicated that he wanted to hand it on, I recognised that se23.life is a resource that is too good to lose and so stepped in. I would have suggested a se23.life meetup or something to say ‘hi’, but we’ll have to wait until after lockdown for that one I’m afraid.
And finally your point of transparency. The site Terms of Service and Privacy Policy are completely transparent and have been well advertised. Sorry for being somewhat guarded about my personal identity, but this is not the only forum where the admin is somewhat guarded, and for good reason. Unfortunately I’ve already seen personally targeted criticism from a person I’ve never met, never wronged, and for no reason I can see other than for my good intentions of trying to perpetuate a local resource loved by many. I think this online bullying is really sad and it has a chilling effect on the community as a whole and I would hope that those with any influence would quietly try and put a stop to this blight rather than let it run on to everyone’s detriment.